foto Cristina Villar Garcia
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Despacho 1C-11, Facultad de Economía
(9638) 28750

I am Full Professsor at the University of Valencia, Faculty of Economics, holding a PhD in Management and Strategy (with extraordinary doctorate award in Economics). My areas of specialization are International Business, Innovation and Organizational Learning. I teach these topics in Spain and Latin America at undergraduate, master and doctorate level, as well as courses on research methodology. I have supervised more than 10 doctoral dissertations.

My research interests focus on analysing the organization of the international company (global strategy and inter-regional expansion, global value chains, HQ-subsidiary relationships, innovation and organisational learning) both in MNCs and SMEs. On these topics I have published a number of papers in well-known journals in the field of management. I am currently Senior Editor for the European Journal of International Management, Associate Editor in Business Research Quarterly and consulting editor in the International Journal of Management Reviews. I am also member of the board (Spanish representative) at the European International Business Academy (EIBA).

As a member of the research group Inglobest I have lead and participated in research projects from public funding programmes, as well as many applied projects aiming to promote firms’ international competitiveness with relevant public institutions such as Fundación BBVA, Chamber of Commerce, IVACE, Consejo Intertextil Español o ATEVAL.

I have been co-director of the Master in Business Strategy (Master en Estrategia de Empresa) of the University of Valencia, 2018-2022. Formerly I held positions to promote the internationalization of the Faculty of Economics in my university (2012-2016) such as the coordination of international dual degrees for the Degree in International Business and the movility coordination for the degree in Business Administration.