foto Cristina Sendra Mocholi
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Cap de Seccio-Servei
Cap Iniciatives Responsable Museu de l'Escola de la F. de Magisteri
Department: Methodology of experimental and social sciences
(9616) 25925
Subjects taught and teaching methods
33626 - Teaching natural sciences at nursery school - Degree in Preschool EducationTheoretical-Practical
33628 - Multidisciplinary workshop on social sciences, social sciences and mathematics - Degree in Primary School Education in OntinyentTheoretical-Practical
33628 - Multidisciplinary workshop on social sciences, social sciences and mathematics - Degree in Preschool EducationTheoretical-Practical
33640 - School placement (Infant Education) I - Degree in Primary School Education in OntinyentPrácticum
33641 - School placement (Infant Education) II - Degree in Preschool EducationPrácticum
33642 - School placement (Infant Education) III - Degree in Preschool EducationPrácticum
33643 - Degree final Project (Infant Education) - Degree in Preschool EducationWork end of studies
33681 - History of ideas and the sciences and mathematics curriculum - Degree in Primary School EducationTheoretical-Practical
40294 - Practicum: Spec. biology and geology - Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher TrainingPrácticum
40496 - Complements for disciplinary instruction specialty biology and geology - Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher TrainingTheoretical-Practical
42249 - Master's final project: Spec. biology and geology - Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher TrainingWork end of studies
43488 - Research in didactics of advanced experimental sciences - Master's Degree in Research in Specific DidacticsTheory
43491 - Master's final project - Master's Degree in Research in Specific DidacticsWork end of studies
First semester
Thursday de 09:00 a 12:00. DESPATX P2.07
Second semester
Tuesday de 11:00 a 14:00. DESPATX P2.07
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