foto Martin Dominguez Romero
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: JOURNALISM
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences
(9631) 56828

Martí Domínguez holds a PhD in Biology, has been a tenured lecturer in Journalism at the University of Valencia since 2002 and has been the editor of the Mètode Science Studies Journal since 1998, a publication for the study of scientific thought, indexed in SCOPUS and the JCR, among other quality indexes. As a result of his work as a journalist, he received the National Journalism Award in 2007. As a researcher, he has spent time at CSIRO in Canberra (Australia) and at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington and Harvard University (Massachusetts General Hospital).
His lines of research revolve around the analysis of communication strategies for scientific content, as well as science-related opinion genres. In this sense, she has worked on the relationship between opinion articles and science, and their dissemination through graphic humour. His work has been published in journals such as Public Understanding of Science, Media, Culture & Society, Journalism Studies, Discourse Studies, Metaphor & Symbol, Environmental Communication, etc. He has also initiated a line of research in health journalism, focused on analysing the communication of cancer, COVID-19 or ageing. The results of this line of research have been published in high impact journals such as the Journal of Cancer Education and the European Journal of Cancer Care. She has also worked on gender issues, especially focusing on the discriminatory perception of women's health.

He writes for different media, such as El País, Levante-EMV, La Vanguardia and Some of his articles are included in the book Bestiario. As a novelist, he is the author of the trilogy on the Enlightenment, consisting of the novels Las confidencias del conde de Buffon; El secreto de Goethe, and finally El regreso de Voltaire, which received the Josep Pla prize. He has also published the novels El fracasado, dedicated to the life of Paul Cézanne, La siega, in which he recreates Franco's repression in the Maestrazgo region, and El espíritu del tiempo, in which he denounces the collaboration of the German university with Nazism. As an essayist, he has written El sueño de Lucrecio, which won the Carles Rahola prize in 2013, and the compilation of articles published in La Vanguardia, Veus de ciència, which won the Vila de Benicarló International Prize for Scientific Dissemination in 2017, and Del Natural, which won the Premi de les Bones Lletres in 2023. As an art critic, he has published the book Estudios de arte, in which he studies the work and creative space of 84 Valencian artists and their relationship with the territory.


01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 12:00 a 15:00 null
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 12:00 a 15:00 null
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports