

Dr. EVA MARÍA GONZÁLEZ-SOLER graduated in Physiotherapy in 2013, received Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Neurosciences in 2014 and earned a Ph.D. cum laude in Neurosciences in 2017, all from the University of Valencia (Spain). Since Dr. González-Soler started her Master's Thesis, she’s been part of GESADA laboratory (Group of study of the Anatomical Substrate of Pain and Analgesia) of the University of Valencia (Research Group GIUV2018-420).

RESEARCH/ Early in her career as a researcher, she directed her interest toward research in chronic pain, taking into account her comorbidities, such as mood, sleep, or cognitive disorders. During this time, GESADA focused on the reserpine-induced myalgia model (RIM), which is, to date, the most validated animal model of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Proof of this is found in her thesis work, titled “Evaluation of the effect of duloxetine and pregabalin in a rat model of fibromyalgia induced by reserpine.” The results of this work were part of several articles, such as “Depressive-like symptoms in a reserpine-induced model of fibromyalgia in rats” and “A standardization of the Novelty-Suppressed Feeding Test protocol in rats”, articles published in prestigious journals , which also led GESADA to receive a scholarship from the "Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d'Eduació, Investigació, Cultura I Esport "(Scholarship/Award Number: GV/2018/049). During her postdoctoral stage, Dr. González-Soler has combined basic research with clinical work and teaching work as an associate professor; and more recently, as assistant professor and doctoral assistant professor, in the Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology. Likewise, she continues working on chronic pain, seeking to delve deeper into aspects related to comorbidities and their treatments. Proof of this is her scientific contribution entitled "Chronic Pregabalin Treatment Ameliorates Pain, but not Depressed-Like Behaviors, in a Reserpine-Induced Myalgia Model in Rats" Currently, GESADA's lines of research in chronic pain and neuroinflammation have led Dr. González-Soler to receive an emerging project as P.I. by "Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, ciència i Societat Digital" (Scholarship/Prize Number: CIGE/2022/148). GESADA's collaboration with colleagues in the field of basic research, such as the Laboratory of Neuronal Circuits, of the University of Valencia, has led both research teams to make an important scientific contribution, entitled "Hippocampal oscillatory dynamics and sleep atonia are altered in an animal model of fibromyalgia: Implications in the search for biomarkers". Likewise, her research in the department and deep learning of human dissection techniques have led her to study anatomical variations that could have surgical repercussions. Along these same lines, her work with ex vivo human specimens has led her to collaborate with various researchers committed to improving surgical techniques.

TRANSFERENCE / Dr. González-Soler has also been part of the organizing committee of the “Women in Neuroscience” ("Dones en Neurociència") conference, a project that has been underway since 2018 and that promotes and exposes the work of women's teams in the field of neuroscience, and that has the support of various official organizations. As part of teaching innovation projects, Dr. González-Soler is also part, as P.I., of the "Physioanatomists" project, on Instagram, which aims to disseminate anatomical knowledge to the university student community and beyond, putting students from different backgrounds in contact. careers in health sciences, professionals and researchers.

TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT/ Dr. González-Soler has a strong commitment to teaching and teaching innovation, which has allowed her to work on more than 7 educational innovation projects, many of them as a P.I.; as well as attending and being part of the organizing committee of various teaching innovation conferences. In addition to anatomical teaching in the degrees of medicine, physiotherapy, nursing and podiatry (among others), Dr. González-Soler is a professor in the master's degree in ultrasound anatomy applied to interventionism in regional anesthesia and pain, and in the official master's degrees in biomedical research and basic and applied neurosciences, all of them from the University of Valencia.

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
LUNES de 08:30 a 11:30 DESPATX
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