foto Eva Maria Rosa Martinez
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: BASIC PSYCHOLOGY
Department: Basic Psychology
Departament de Psicologia Bàsica Universitat de València Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 Despacho M310 46010-Valencia (Spain) Teléfono: 963983535 email:

Eva Mª Rosa Martínez obtained her bachelor’s degree and PhD in Psychology at the University of Valencia. Since 2019 she is a Full Professor of the Department of Basic Psychology of the University of Valencia. Previously, she worked 3 years as a teacher at the National University of Distance Education, and 14 years at the Catholic University of Valencia, where she was director of the Department of Basic Psychology and Methodology and taught various subjects in the area of methodology and the area of basic psychological processes. She currently teaches in the field of Basic Psychology, mainly in the Degree in Psychology, and since the 2022/23 academic year she is coordinator of the Psychology of Perception and Attention subject.

Eva Rosa is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Structure on Reading (ERI-Reading) that brings together different lines of research such as reading learning, learning disorders, literature, and neuroscience of reading, among others. Her research has focused mainly on the study of language-related cognitive processes, specifically, written language processing, vocabulary learning, and language development in populations with neurodevelopmental disorders. Eva Rosa has participated in several research projects that have given rise to numerous publications in scientific and popular science journals.

16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
MIÉRCOLES de 10:30 a 12:30 null
27/01/2025 - 16/05/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:30 a 13:30 DESPATX M-310
16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
VIERNES de 10:30 a 11:30 DESPATX M-310
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