

Ferran Robles Sabater, B.A. in English Philology (2001) and German Philology (2002) at the Universitat de València, M.A. in Translation at the Universidad de Sevilla (2007) and Ph.D. in Philology at the Universitat de València (2006). He is associate professor of German Linguistics (2017) a the English and German Studies Department of the Universitat de València. He is director of the research group Contrastive Linguistics German-Iberoromance (CLiGIR) and from 2019 he is academic secretary of the Inter-University Institute for Applied Modern Languages (IULMA). His research focuses on discourse analysis, text grammar, contrastive linguistics (German vs. Spanish/Catalan) and didactic lexicography. He is secretary of the international journal MonTI. Monographies on Translation and Interpreting (ISSN 1889-4178, e-ISSN 1989-9335). He has chaired six international conferences on lexicography and contrastive linguistics: Die Wörterbücher des Deutschen (2013), Contrastivica III: Deutsch-iberische Tagung zur kontrastiven Linguistik (2014), ¿Sin orden ni concierto? La estructura informativa en alemán, español y catalán (2017), I Simposio internacional de lingüística contrastiva de la lengua alemana (2019), II Simposio internacional de lingüística contrastiva de la lengua alemana (2020), Nuevas perspectivas de la investigación en lingüística: la traducción del y al alemán (2022).