foto Ferran Grau Codina
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a de Departament
Knowledge area: LATIN PHILOLOGY
Department: Classical Languages
Ferran Grau Codina ORCID 0000-0003-2761-5470 Dept. Filologia Clàssica. Despatx 53 Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació. Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 València (Spain) Tel. 96 39 83075
(9639) 83075

My research career focuses basically on neo-Latin rhetoric and classical rhetoric, on Renaissance humanism and classical tradition. One of my main interests is to highlight the relationships between the instruction received by men of letters, in whose curriculum rhetoric had a prominent place (from Antiquity and practically until the end of the Old Regime), and literary productions written not only in Latin, but in the different languages of Europe. So, I think, it is important to have editions of these normative texts with their corresponding translation and an introductory study, to put in the hands of scholars both Neo-Latin literature and emerging literature and training in different European languages instruments basic for the study and re-evaluation of modern literary culture in general.

These lines of research have also materialized from the beginning in the edition and translation of Latin texts, such as the translation of the scientific texts of Juan Luis Vives included in the following anthology: Grau Codina, F. Obra Científica. Joan Lluís Vives, Antologia de Textos. pp. 420 - 483. (Spain): Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 1992. ISBN 843701011X.. This was followed by my collaboration in the publication by the Ayuntamiento of Valencia of the complete work of Luis Vives La filosofía primera, and the collaboration with the translation of a text by Vives in A. Viana (ed.), Aspectes del pensament sociolinguístic europeu. pp. 129 - 135. (Spain): Barcanova, 1995. I must also mention my participation in the translation of the Bononia by Fadrique Furio Ceriol in the first volume of his complete work (Furió Ceriol, Obra Completa I. H. Méchoulan - J. Pérez Durà co-directors), Valencia, 1996, in whose edition UNESCO collaborated, of which I was coordinator between the Valencia team and the Paris team.

My attention to the texts editions began with my doctoral thesis "The rhetorics of Pedro Juan Núñez, editions and manuscripts" and culminate with the edition of the Spectacula Lucretiana by Giambattista Cantalicio, poems in honor of the second nuptials of Lucrecia Borgia with Alfonso d'Este, in 2010.

I have participated in several projects, as can be seen below, but the last one as principal investigator of the subproject that has been part of the project coordinated by Dr. Jesús Paniagua of the University of León "SPANISH HUMANISTS: STUDIES AND CRITICAL EDITIONS" dedicated to the editing of the rhetoric of Fadrique Furió Ceriol and Andrés Sempere, has allowed to continue this task of editing and translation that is part of my research career and my projects in the medium and long term.

16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
MIÉRCOLES de 10:00 a 12:00 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València