foto Daniel Garcia Costa
PDI-Associat/Da Universitari/A
PIT-Tecnic/a Sup Uv
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería. Despacho 1.2.23

I am an Assistant Professor and member of the LAIA-UV (Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Applications) research group at the University of Valencia. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Valencia in 2022. My research is mainly focused on the study of the editorial and peer review processes in scientific publications, the development of tools to assess the quality of those processes and AI applications.

Member of the development team of the internal quality management tools, SAIC and DOCENTIA of the University of Valencia.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
JUEVES de 13:00 a 14:00 LABORATORI VISIÓ 1.3.23 Planta 3 E.T.S. D'ENGINYERIA
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València