foto Marina Garcia-Granero Gasco
PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
Knowledge area: MORAL PHILOSOPHY
Department: Philosophy
Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació Despatx 605 Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 (6ª Planta) 46010 València

Marina García-Granero Gascó is an Assistant Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Valencia. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven in Belgium, where she worked as a member of the European Project "Homo Mimeticus." She received her Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Valencia (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) for a thesis on Nietzsche's concept of “breeding” or “cultivation” (Züchtung), which Prof. Jesús Conill directed. She has been a visiting researcher at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris, the University of Salento in Italy, and the Institute of Philosophy. Her areas of research and teaching are Nietzschean philosophy, moral philosophy, and feminist philosophy. On these topics, she has published in leading Spanish-speaking magazines, such as Isegoría, Daimon, Estudios Nietzsche, Ideas y Valores, and Logos, among others. Additionally, she is a member of several research groups and societies dedicated to Nietzsche, such as the Friedrich Nietzsche Society (UK), the International HyperNietzsche Group, and the Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche (GIRN).

Subjects taught and teaching methods
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences