foto Raimundo Garcia Olcina
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Electronic Engineering
ETSE - Dept. Ingeniería Electrónica Avda. de la Universidad, s/n 46100 - Burjassot (Valencia) Despacho 2.2.22
(9635) 43429

Raimundo García-Olcina has both a degree in Physical Sciences (1998) and in Electronics Engineering (2000) from the University of Valencia, as well as a PhD in Telecommunications (2008) from the Polytechnical University of Valencia. Until 2011 he was linked to the latter university, where he investigated in the Optical and Quantum Communications Group on topics such as Bragg diffraction grating in fiber and applications, optical sensors and integrated photonic circuits. Since 2011 he has been professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering of the UV, (associated professor since 2017), and member of the Group for the Design of Digital and Communications Systems (DSDC). His research work is mainly focused on the group's research lines that encompass areas such as environmental intelligence, sensor networks, radiation sensors, reconfigurable logic systems, image processing and electromagnetic compatibility. He is (co)author of more than 40 indexed international publications and has participated in many conferences and projects in these areas.

Journal Publications