

María Martín Grau is a PhD student at the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of València (UV). She holds a Biochemistry and Biomedical degree (2012-2016), a Biomedical research master’s degree (2017-2018), and a PhD in the doctoral programme in Medicine in the research line of Metabolic biochemistry (2018-2024). Her master’s thesis and her doctoral thesis were done in the Metabolomics and Molecular Imaging group from the UV (UCIM) and INCLIVA, under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Monleón. Her thesis project, titled "Longitudinal development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): key events and biomarker search," focuses on the comprehensive study of the metabolic liver disease, NAFLD. Using the metabolomics technique, her group seeks predictive biomarkers of the disease in various biological samples to enable early diagnosis. 
She was hired as research assistant at INCLIVA from 2017 to 2020. From 2020 until now, she was hired at the UV, initially as non-research assistant (dic 2020 – jun 2021), and then as a predoctoral student with the scholarship Atracció de Talent (UV) (jun 2021 – now).  Due to her scholarship, she has helped in teaching task associated to her department.
She has actively participated in 15 national and international congresses, earned recognition at the International Digital NAFLD Summit 2021 congress organized by the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), securing a one-year membership in the European society. Additionally, she was honored with the Best Oral Communication Award at the international Biomarkers congress in November 2022. Her contributions include authoring scientific publications, including an invited review on animal models and fatty liver disease in the World Journal of Hepatology (doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i2.304), and a scientific paper in Antioxidant (impact factor 7).
In 2023, she undertook a predoctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge (UK) to obtain a PhD with international recognition. Moreover, she was selected through a European young researchers' selection process to participate in a course organized by EASL on the microbiome and liver diseases.