foto Isadora Guardia Calvo
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Facultat de Filologia traducció i comunicació. Departament Teoria Llengutages i Ciències de la Comunicació C/Carrer Blasco Ibañez, 32

Isadora Guardia has a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia, she is a professor linked to the UVEG since 2002, and currently she is a PhD contract professor in the Audiovisual Communication Degree.

From 2012 to 2106 she has been a full-time lecturer at the University School ERAM- UdG in the Degree of Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia.

Her research career is distinguished by combining practice and theory. In 2002 she began to make documentaries of a social and political nature. Her doctoral thesis investigates the aesthetic and historical relationship between the militant documentary of the 60's and the present time. He has published numerous articles and communications in national and international congresses as well as in scientific magazines on social sciences and books. He published his doctoral thesis in 2011.

She is currently working on a research project, which includes a feature-length documentary on memory and repression.

She belongs to the research group ERAMSCI of the University School ERAM-UdG.

Her lines of research focus on new languages and artistic expressions in audiovisual and militant documentary film and video.

She belongs to the research group REPERCRI (Grupo Investigación Representación Contemporánea de los Perpetradores. Principal Investigator Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, UVEG).

She belongs to the research group GRUPO TRANS ARCH with which she has traveled to several Latin American countries.