foto Irene Ferrando Palomares
Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
Responsables de Gestio Academica
Coordinador/a Titulacio de Grau
Despacho 3.14, Facultat de Magisteri. Coordinadora del Grado Maestro/a en Educación Primaria. Coordinadora Especialidad de Didáctica de las Matemática (Máster de Investigación en Didácticas Específicas-Facultat de Magisteri)
(9616) 25469

I am Irene Ferrando Palomares, PhD in Mathematics from the Universitat Politécnica de València.

I am currently Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics of Mathematics at the Universitat de València. 

My entire professional career has been developed in the field of Mathematics in general and Mathematics Education in particular. Thus, I completed my doctoral thesis in Functional Analysis in the Funaphy research group (IUMPA) and, in the 2010-11 academic year, I began my career in the field of Mathematics Education as a Secondary School teacher. In January 2012 I joined the Faculty of Education as an Assistant Lecturer. 

Since then my research has focused on the area of Mathematics Education, particularly I have worked on topics related to the use of modelling and applications in the teaching of mathematics.

In the Facultat de Magisteri I have held different academic positions, between May 2016 and September 2018 I was the secretary of the Department of Didactics of Mathematics and, since October 2018 I am the Coordinator of the Degree in Primary Education.

My interest in education has made me get involved in different projects related to the teaching of Mathematics, since 2008 I participate in a mathematical talent stimulation program Estalmat CV and since 2019 I am responsible for the organization of the IMMC-Spain contest, aimed at secondary and high school students.

In addition, in recent years I have collaborated closely with CEFIRE CTEM by providing in-service training courses for primary and secondary school teachers.

Finally, I am the President of the Education Commission of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española.

Journal Publications
Other publications
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports