foto Janny Magdeline Nuñez Almonte
PI-Pred_Conselleria Acif Gva
Facultad de Economía Despacho 5C06

Janny M. Núñez Almonte is a Research Staff in Training (PIF) of the Department of Corporate Finance at the University of Valencia. She is a beneficiary of a prodoctoral contract (ACIF22) awarded by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Community. She graduated in Accounting from the Universidad Católica Santo Domingo and she completed an Official Master's Degree in Corporate Finance at the University of Valencia. Through the Doctoral Program in Accounting and Corporate Finance at the University of Valencia she develops her doctoral thesis project focused on the gender diversity of corporate governance structures. At the same time, she participates as a research member of the Research Group on Sustainable Finance, Corporate Governance and Economics (EFICO).

Subjects taught and teaching methods
Second semester
Thursday de 15:30 a 17:00. DESPACHO 5C06
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