foto Juan Francisco Sanchez Royo
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Director/a de Departament
Knowledge area: APPLIED PHYSICS
Department: Applied Physics and Electromagnetism
Edf. de Investigación (Despacho 0.12, planta baja) Dpto. Física Aplicada y Electromagnetismo (ICMUV) c/ Dr. Moliner 50, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia (España)
(9635) 44556
96 35 43146 (F)

He is integrated in the unit of research of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (UMDO) and is responsible for the Lowdim research line at the Materials Science Institute (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia, Spain. He received the B.S., and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Valencia in 1992 and 1998, respectively. During his PhD, he performed two research stays at the Hahn-Meitner Institute of Berlin (Germany). After a postdoctoral stay (1999-2001) at the French-Spanish beamline at the LURE Synchrotron (France), he set up a research line devoted to the electronic characterization of materials by photoemission (UPS and XPS) at the Valencia University. In 2002, he becameAssociate Professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism, University of Valencia. During this period, he has also performed several research stays at SOLEIL Synchrotron (France), at University of California Berkeley (USA), and at Heriot-Watt University (UK). Currently, he is Full Professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism, University of Valencia. His current research interests include two-dimensional materials (layered semiconductors, topological insulators, and graphene), electronic and optoelectronic characterization of low-dimensional materials and related devices. Since September 2023, he is Director of the Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism.

01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
MARTES de 12:00 a 13:00 DESPATX
01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
JUEVES de 12:00 a 13:00 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Previous Tasks
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Organization of R+D activities
Activity interests
Participations in Conferences
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports
Currricul@'s texts