

Emeritus Professor of Journalism and Communication at the University of Valencia, has a degree in Journalism and History, and a PhD in Information Sciences.

He mainly investigates in the history of communication and journalism, satirical communication and journalistic quality. His research can be summarized in 65 articles in indexed journals, 73 book chapters and 8 books (5 as the sole author). These include the following publications (in Spanish): Humour against power (2015); Journalistic Laugh (2010); The journalistic quality (2013); "Spanish Journalists and the Loss of News Quality: Professional Judgements" (2015); "Communication history and history of journalism: theoretical approaches and methodologies for research" (2008); History of universal journalism (1999); The Genesis of the mass press in Catalonia (1902-1923) (1992); Alternatives in communication (1983); Headlines in the press (1982).

He was director of Production and content circulation of AEIC (in English, Spanish Association of Communication Research) and he is scientific director of Aldea Global, a collection in Communication Studies, published by four Spanish Universities (UAB, UJI, UPF and UV). He was president of the Association of Historians of Communication (AHC) and director of the journal Anàlisi. Quaderns de comunicación i cultura. For fifteen years, he was a press and TV professional journalist.