foto Jose Pla Barber
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Facultad de Economía Avda de los naranjos s/n Despacho 1A06
(9638) 28917

José Pla-Barber is a doctor in Economics with an extraordinary doctorate award and European certificate, Full Professor of Management at the University of Valencia and associate researcher at the “John Dunning Center” of the University of Reading (U.K).

In the international arena, he has been vice-chair of the European International Business Academy (2012-2018) and chair of the Academy of International Business Western Europe Chapter (2010-2018). Since 2019 he is a Fellow of the European International Business Academy. Professor Pla-Barber has been a visiting professor at the University of Reading (UK), Norwegian School of Management (Norway), King’s College London (U.K) and ESCE Paris.

At the University of Valencia, he has been Director of the Management Department (2004-2008), director of the doctorate in Management (2008-2012) and director of the Master in Business Strategy (2012-2018).

He has supervised 21 doctoral theses, 6 research projects of the National Science and Technology Plan and numerous applied projects financed by the BBVA Foundation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry, the Spanish association of home-textiles or the Generalitat Valenciana. His main lines of research are the analysis of the internationalization of the company, the management of the multinational company and the study of international competitiveness of the industry, having published more than 70 articles in prestigious journals such as International Journal of Management Reviews, Global Strategy Journal, Management International Review, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Journal of International Marketing, Services Industries Journal, Journal of Economic Geography, or British Journal of Management. His book "International Business Management" is considered a bestseller by Pearson Education publishing house. He has recently published the books "International Business Management" in the McGraw-Hill publishing house and "Caixa Ontinyent: more than words, facts".

His teaching specialty in International Management has led him to give numerous lectures and undergraduate, master and postgraduate courses in a wide range of Spanish and international universities (among others, University of Reading, Glasgow University, Uppsala University, Norwegian School of Management; ESCE Paris, Novancia Paris, Utrech University, University of Havana, UNED, UCR and TEC in Costa Rica, ICESI, University of Antioquia, Universidad del Valle, Universidad del Norte and EAFIT in Colombia, UNAM of Mexico, APEC of Dominican Republic, ORT Uruguay, ADEX Peru, etc.). Currently, Professor Pla-Barber advises different companies in the field of their international strategy and is the Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee of Caixa Ontinyent.


Journal Publications
Other publications
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports