foto Jordi Valor Abad
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
Department: Philosophy
Departament de Filosofia Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació Despatx 708 (7a planta) Av: Blasco Ibáñez, 30 46010 València
(9639) 83697

BA and PhD University of Valencia. He is currently a lecturer (Contratado Doctor) in the Philosophy Department of the University of Valencia. Thanks to different predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, he has carried out research stays at the universities of Sheffield, St Andrews, London (King's College London) and Barcelona. He is a member of Phronesis Analytic Philosophy Group and a collaborator of Logos Research Group in Analytic Philosophy.

Research Interests:

He has developed most of his work in the following areas: philosophy of language and logic, philosophical logic, and theory of knowledge. His doctoral thesis and many of his publications are focused on the study of the structure and philosophical relevance of paradoxes of self-reference.Other interests: theories of truth and meaning, relativist conceptions of truth, normativity, a priori knowledge and analiticity.

Selected Publications

  • 2008, “The Inclosure Scheme and the Solution to the Paradoxes of Self-Reference”, Synthese 160: 183–202.
  • 2009, “Empiricism and Experience: Two Problems”, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17: 323–327.
  • 2009 (with José Martínez Fernández),  “A Failed Cassatio (Goldstein on the Liar)”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109: 327–332.
  • 2014 (with José Martínez Fernández),  “Eliminating Self-Reference from Grelling’s and Zwicker’s Paradox”. THEORIA 29: 85-97.
  • 2015, “Les paradoxes i la filosofia: tres visions contemporànies”, Quaderns de Filosofia 2: 57–88.