foto Luz Celestina Souto Larios
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Spanish
Departamento de Filología Española Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32. 3º Planta. 46010 Valencia
(9639) 83290

LUZ C. SOUTO holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Spanish and Education from the University of Buenos Aires. In 2015 she earned her doctorate in Spanish from the University of Valencia, where she currently acts as Associate Professor at the Spanish Philology department and coordinates the Teaching Unit of Spanish Literature.

She is Principal Investigator of the Emerging Research project "Memory Novels LAB: Laboratorio Digital de Novelas sobre Memoria Histórica Española" (GV/2021/183), subsidized by the Generalitat Valenciana.

She has completed three postdoctoral research stays at the Universities of Sao Paulo (Brazil, 2017), Havana (Cuba, 2016), and Mar del Plata (Argentina, 2015), and a graduate stay at National University of La Plata (Argentina, 2014).

Her research primarily concerns historical memory in Spain and Argentina, although her interests extend to modern and contemporary Peninsular and Latin American literatures and cultures, Digital Humanities, and Spanish Golden Age theater. Regarding her main area of interest, she has authored Memorias de la orfandad. Miradas literarias sobre la expropiación/apropiación de menores en España y Argentina (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2019), and co-edited two volumes with Albrecht Buschmann: Decir desaparecido(s). Formas e ideologías de la narración de la ausencia forzada (Lit Verlag, 2019) and Decir desaparecido(s) II: análisis transculturales de la desaparición forzada (Lit Verlag, 2021).

She has also co-authored books on literary and linguistic analysis: Comentario de Textos Hispánicos: Análisis del comentario literario (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2017), with David Giménez Folqués, and Comentario de Textos Hispánicos: Análisis del comentario lingüístico (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2017), with David Giménez Folqués and Amparo Ricós. She has prepared 20 digital editions of Lope de Vega’s comedies for Artelope Digital Library, which she additionally coordinates. In addition to that, she has published more than forty articles and book chapters on a variety of topics in peer-reviewed journals and books edited in Europe, North America, and Latin-America.

Souto has carried out research and management tasks in four research projects lead by Professor Joan Oleza: Prometeo 2016/133 "Max Aub y las confrontaciones de la memoria histórica", Consolider TC/12. "Patrimonio Teatral Clásico Español: Textos e instrumentos de investigación" (CSD2009-00033), "Artelope. Base de datos y argumentos del teatro de Lope de Vega" (FFI 2009-12730 (2010-2012), FFI 2012-34347 (2013-2016)), and the Micro-cluster "Cultura y Sociedad en la era digital" of the VLC Campus. In 2015 she also joined the project "Diálogos transatlánticos: España y Argentina Campo editorial, literatura, cultura, memoria", based in UNLP and lead by Professor Raquel Macciucci.

Souto has coordinated four conferences in Valencia, Berlin, and La Plata, and helped organizing twelve more in Spain and Argentina.

She has coordinated the International Congress Memorias Periféricas de la Guerra Civil y el franquismo: Literaturas, culturas, ideologías (2022).

She presently serves on the editorial and advisory boards of Diablotexto Digital Digital Literary  and Papeles Críticos, and regularly collaborates with arbitrations for national and international peer-reviewed journals and books.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Tuesday de 14:00 a 15:00. DESPACHO 2
First semester
Wednesday de 13:00 a 15:00. DESPACHO 2
Second semester
Tuesday de 16:00 a 17:00. DESPACHO 2
Second semester
Thursday de 15:00 a 17:00. DESPACHO 2
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences