

Eivor Jordà Mathiasen has a doctorate in Translation and the Knowledge Society. She graduated in Philosophy and Education Sciences at the UV and in Translation and Interpreting at the UJI. She is currently a teacher in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Valencia. Previously, she has been a teacher of translation theory, legal translation and audiovisual translation of the translation degree at the European University of Valencia where she also directed the Master in Audiovisual Translation.

Her main research interests are in the field of philosophy of translation, gender and translation, documentation for legal translation and audiovisual translation. She has published in prestigious international translation journals such as The Translator or Babel and national ones such as Sendebar or Hermeneus.

Prior to her university teaching activity, she has been a professional translator, especially in the audiovisual and legal fields. She currently translates the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard for Trotta publishing house.