foto M.Jose Martinez Alcalde
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: SPANISH LANGUAGE
Department: Spanish
Departamento de Filología Española Despacho 24
(9638) 64038

Professor of Spanish Language in the Department of Spanish Philology at the Universitat de València. PhD in Hispanic Philology with extraordinary award of Degree and Doctorate. She has five six-year periods of recognized research.

Her lines of research focus on Historiography and History of the Spanish language. She has taught several subjects in the area of Spanish Language in the former undergraduate and current graduate studies, as well as in Master's and Doctoral studies, with special attention to diachronic and historiographic studies.

Director of the research group HISLEDIA (History and Historiography of the Spanish Language in its diachrony) of the University of Valencia (GIUV2013-080). Principal investigator of several research projects funded in competitive calls: La codificación gramatical de la lengua española, 1626-1821, La norma del español desde la perspectiva historiográfica, ss. XV-XIX and, as principal investigator together with M.ª Teresa Echenique, the projects Fraseología de la lengua castellana en su diacronía: desde los orígenes hasta el siglo XVIII and Historia e historiografía de la lengua castellana en su diacronía contrastiva. Researchers from the Universitat de València and from different Spanish and foreign universities have participated in all of them.

Her publications include La fijación ortográfica del español: norma y argumento historiográfico (Peter Lang, 2010), Diacronía y gramática histórica de la lengua española (Tirant Humanidades, 2013, author with M.ª Teresa Echenique), Fraseología española: diacronía y codificación. (Madrid, CSIC, ed. with M.ª Teresa Echenique, Juan P. Sánchez and Francisco P. Pla, 2016), La fraseología a través de la historia de la lengua española y su historiografía (Tirant lo Blanch, ed. with M.ª Teresa Echenique and Francisco P. Pla, 2017).

Founding member and vice-president of the Spanish Society of Linguistic Historiography (SEHL) between 2019 and 2022. She has been Director of the Doctoral Program with Mention of Quality Hispanic Linguistic and Philological Studies (2005-2008) of the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia.

01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 16:00 a 19:00 DESPATX
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