Marta García Carrión has a PhD in History and she is full-time teacher in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of València. Her research has focused on the cultural history of cinema in Spain and its relationships with nation and region identities in the first third of the 20th century. She has carried out post-doctoral research stays at Paris Sorbonne Université, Université Paris 8-Saint Denis and the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome. She is the author of three monographic books: Sin cinematografía no hay nación. Drama e identidad nacional en la obra de Florián Rey (Inst. Fernando el Católico, 2007), Por un cine patrio. Cultura cinematográfica y nacionalismo español (Publicaciones Universidad de Valencia, 2013) y La regió en la pantalla. El cinema i la identitat dels valencians (Afers, 2015). Furthermore, she has published more than thirty papers in academic journals and collective books. Recently, her research has focused especially on the gender identities in the Spanish cinema. She is principal investigator of the research projects Género y nación. De la literatura popular a la ficción televisiva en la España contemporánea (CIAICO/2021/234, funded by Generalitat Valenciana) with Ferran Archilés, and Heroínas, castizas y modernas. Modelos de feminidad nacional y cultura de masas (1898-1930) (PID2021-128388NA-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER. A way of making Europe), with Xavier Andreu.