foto Jose Martin Martinez
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Cap de Seccio-Servei
Responsable Col. M. Guerricabeitia
Knowledge area: HISTORY OF ART
Department: Art History
Despacho 314

Graduate and doctor in Art History from the Universitat de València, in whose Art History Department he has been a full professor since 1997. Research stays at the Università di Bologna, University of Virginia and Université de Montréal

He has studied twentieth century Spanish Art; his first research dealt with industrial architecture and urbanism. Later he has researched visual arts, doing his doctoral thesis about Andreu Alfaro's (1929-2012) esculpture, and he has writen several monographs about him. Nowadays he is interested in Spanish Art after 1939 and, especially, its relations with ideology and politics; he also studies the academic institutionalization of Art History and the different fields of historical-artistic erudition before the incorporation of the discipline to university studies.

He has exerted as exhibitions curator and was Director of Universitat de València's Gallery and Curator of the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection, belonging to the same institution. He is a member of the Valencian, National and International Associations of Art Critics (AVCA, AECA and AICA).

01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
LUNES de 11:00 a 13:30 DESPATX 314
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports