foto Manuel Martinez Corral
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs
Knowledge area: OPTICS
Department: Optics and Optometry and Vision Sciences
Departamento de Optica Universitat de Valencia c/ Doctor Moliner 50 E46100 Burjassot
(9635) 44718

Born in Spain in 1962, Manuel Martinez-Corral received Ph. D. in Physics in 1993 from the University of Valencia, which honored him with the Ph.D. Extraordinary Award. He is currently Full Professor of Optics at the University of Valencia, where he co-leads the “3D Imaging and Display Laboratory”. His teaching experience includes lectures and supervision of laboratory experiments on Geometrical Optics, Optical Instrumentation, Diffractive Optics and Image Formation. Fellow of the SPIE since 2010 and Fellow of the OSA since 2016, his research interest includes microscopic and macroscopic 3D imaging and display technologies. He has supervised on these topics seventeen Ph. D. students (three honored with the Ph.D. Extraordinary Award), published over hundred and fifteen technical articles in major journals (which have been cited more than 2.500 times, h-index=26), and pronounced over fifty invited and keynote presentations in international meetings. He is co-chair of the Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Conference within the SPIE meeting in Defense, Security, and Sensing. He has been Topical Editor of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, and is Topical Editor of the OSA journal Applied Optics.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
MARTES de 09:00 a 12:00 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València