She specializes in sociocultural history and women's and gender history in the modern age, more specifically in the eighteenth century. Se has worked, among other fields, on gender representations, women's intellectual practices, the notions of the self and intimacy, politeness, conduct and medical literature, and cultural transfer (travel, translations). She has published several books: Mujeres e Ilustración. La construcción de la feminidad en la España del siglo XVIII (1998), Amor, matrimonio y familia (1998, with I. Morant), Antonio Ponz: Viaje fuera de España (2007), La vida y la escritura en el siglo XVIII (2008), Mujeres y hombres en la Historia. Una propuesta pedagógica y docente (2018), Arte y artificio de la vida en común. Los modelos de comportamiento y sus tensiones en el Siglo de las Luces (2019; award of the Spanish Society for Eighteenh-Century Studies to the best monograph published that year), and coedited essay-collections (Historia y cine. La construcción del pasado a través de la ficción, 2015; Educar las costumbres y los sentimientos. Una mirada desde la Historia, 2014; The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment, 2020; European Modernities and he Passionate South, 2023). She has also published numerous essays in academic journals and essay collections in Spain, Britain, France, Italy, the United States and Germany.She has led several research funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (2005-2018) and and participated in international ones funded by COST, Leverhulme Trust, ANR-DFG, PAPIIT, Welcome Trust. She is at present principal investigator of CIRGEN: Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies, financiado por el European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 2017, 787015, 2019-2024) (
She has been Vicepresident of the Fundación Española de Historia Moderna (FEHM) and member of the Board of the Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHM). She serves as external expert for the European Research Council, COST, and the Spanish Research Agencies AEI, DEVA and AGAUR.
As far as teaching innovation and social outreach are concerned, she has participated in many pedagogic and popularised publications (the most recent, El lugar de las mujeres en la Historia, 2023, and Women in the History of Science), as well as taken part in the teams that have developped the historical app for mobile devices Hidden Cities and the play La Farsa de les Germanies.