foto Miguel Gimeno Ribes
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: MERCANTILE LAW
Department: Mercantile Law 'Manuel Broseta Pont'
(9616) 25365

Miguel Gimeno Ribes (Valencia, 1988) studied Law (Hons), Business Administration (Hons), and Musicology. He also holds a Master of Science of Law (Hons), and a PhD in Law (Hons) from the University of Valencia. After a four-year period (2011-2015) as a Graduate Research Assistant while writing his doctoral dissertation, he joined the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Munich) as a Senior Research Fellow [Wissenschaftlicher Referent] (2015-2016) and worked in a research group on financial regulation [Otto-Hahn-Gruppe zur Finanzmarktregulierung], with which he continued to collaborate until 2020. Back in Spain, he has worked as an Assistant Professor (2016-2020), as a Tenured Assistant Professor (2020-2022), and as an Associate Professor [Profesor Titular] (since 2022) of Business Law at the University of Valencia.

Funded by the DAAD, the Max Planck Society, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, he has carried out research stays at the Universities of Munich, Oxford, and Florence, as well as at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg). He has also participated in the postgraduate program at Harvard Law School as a Visting Researcher (VS/VR Program). His fields of research range from contract law to corporate governance, corporate finance, M&A, and financial regulation. His research methodology focuses on comparative law.

He has written three monographs on business acquisitions (La protección del comprador en la adquisición de empresa [The buyer’s protection in business acquisitions], Granada, Comares, 2013), leveraged buyouts (Endeudamiento empresarial y fusion de Sociedades. Contribución al estudio de la fusion apalancada [Corporate indebtedness and mergers. A contribution to the study of merger leveraged buyouts], Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2015), and director compensation (Régimen jurídico de los sistemas de retribución de los administradores sociales [Systems of director compensation], Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2021), as well as a number of contributions, including articles, book chapters, and book reviews, among which “Aproximación a la naturaleza jurídica del crowdfunding” [The legal nature of crowdfunding], Revista de Derecho Mercantil, no. 291, 2014, pp. 451–490; “La exclusión voluntaria de la cotización bursátil” [Voluntary delisting from stock exchanges], Revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil, no. 145, 2017, pp. 91–153; “Creditor Protection and Leveraged Buyouts in Europe: A Policy Approach”, in: Bruloot, D. (Ed.), Belgian and European Perspectives on Creditor Protection in Closed Companies, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2019, pp. 197–230; “Deber de lealtad y enriquecimiento injusto” [Duty of loyalty and disgorgement], Revista de Derecho Mercantil, no. 317, 2020, pp. 117–182; “La cogestión en sociedades y grupos transfronterizos” [Codetermination in cross-border companies and groups], Revista de Derecho de Sociedades, no. 60, 2020, pp. 225–272; “Estatuto jurídico del socio-mecenas” [Crowdinvestor’s legal regime], Revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil, no. 160, 2020, pp. 11–68; “La sumisión a arbitraje de las modificaciones estructurales” [Arbitration of company restructurings], Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio, no. 74, 2020, pp. 45–88; “Consejeros de la minoría, conflicto permanente y pacto omnilateral”, [Minority directors, permanent conflict, and shareholders’ agreement] Revista de Derecho de Sociedades, no. 61, 2021, pp. 391–414; (together with Paula del Val Talens) “Setting the scene: Family Firms and Closed Companies in Spain”, in: Fleischer, H./Recalde, A./Spindler, G. (Eds.), Family Firms and Closed Companies in Germany and Spain, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021, pp. 23–64; and “Uso y desuso de las sociedades de personas” [Use and disuse of partnerships], Anuario de Derecho Civil, vol. 75, no. 1, 2022, pp. 11–67. Besides, he has co-authored a comprehensive analysis of Spanish company law in the European context, namely (together with Johannes Liefke) “Spanien” [Spain], in: Jung, S./Krebs, P./Stiegler, S. (Eds.), Gesellschaftsrecht in Europa, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2019, pp. 1269–1402. On those topics, he has given a number of presentations at universities and other academic forums in Europe and in America.

He is currently the leading researcher of a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science on company law and climate change. In the past, he has been the leading researcher of two projects respectively funded by the BBVA Foundation (Shareholder activism) and by the Valencia Region (Shareholder Rights Directive II) and has been part of several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and by the Max Planck Society.

He acts as a referee for a number of Spanish law journals.

He is an elected member of the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI).


Subjects taught and teaching methods
43177 - Mercado financiero. Banca y Seguros - Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
46434 - Degree final project - Master's Degree in International and European Studies
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Degree in Law
46430 - Retos actuales actividad financiera - Master's Degree in International and European Studies
46418 - Los actores privados - Master's Degree in International and European Studies
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
43191 - Método y fuentes del trabajo de investig - Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Criminology
43192 - Degree final project - Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
43172 - Sociedades mercantiles - Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
43192 - Degree final project - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
43177 - Mercado financiero. Banca y Seguros - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
36772 - Contratación Mercantil - Double Degree in Law + Economics
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Degree in Law
02/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
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