foto Maria Jesus Martinez Usarralde
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Comparative Education and History of Education
Departament d' Educació Comparada i Història de l' Educació. Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l' Educació. Despacho 302. Tercer pis. Teléfono (0034) (96) 386.46.84. Blasco Ibáñez, 30. 46010 València
(9638) 64423

Licentiate Award (1997) and Doctorate (2002), at present, and since 2008, is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of Valéncia, attached to the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education, from which he teaches subjects such as Comparative Education, Development Cooperation and Education, International Education and Intervention and Educational Mediation. He has 5 years-periods of teaching. Her teaching also extends to participation in various national and international masters and postgraduate programs: she has been co-director and teacher of the intercultural mediation module in the Diploma of Mediation in Socioeducational Intervention at the University of Valencia (10 editions). He teaches in the International Master of Migration (Erasmus Mundus), the Interuniversity Master of Development Cooperation (MCAD) and the Master of Social Action (MASE), all of them from the Universitat de Valéncia. She has been and is also invited to other masters, from the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Barcelona and the University of Malaga, with topics related to her research. In 2016-2017 he made a MOOC on "Intercultural and Family Mediation", of 18 hours, for the University of Valencia.
She is Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education since 2021, and was a member of its Board of Directors from 2008 to 2010. She is also a member of the Ibero-American Society of Comparative Education (SIBEC) since 2019, of REEDES (Spanish Network of Development Studies) since 2012 (from which she works in the Education for Development Group), of the University ApS Association AsocApS(U) since 2018 and of the Spanish Network of University Teaching (RED-U) from 2015-2018, representing the UV. She has been a member of the Plenary Council of the Patronat Sud Nord of the University of Valencia, from 2012 until its dissolution in 2016.
She has been Vice-Dean of Innovation and Educational Quality at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the UV, from 2009 to 2011, and  Academic Secretary of the Faculty in 2023-2024. From 2015 to 2018 she has been the director of the Centre de Formació Manuel Sanchis Guarner at the University of Valencia, from where she has been responsible for university teacher training policies, quality and educational innovation at the UV.
During his research career he has participated in numerous R & D, published more than 50 articles in both national and international journals, and more than 85 documents including books and book chapters, some of them in high impact publishers. She has three sexenios of research. He has co-directed 9 doctoral theses.

She has attended and actively participated in national and international conferences and has given some thirty lectures (in Spain, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Poland, etc.). In recent years, his main lines of research and study have focused on the different areas of analysis related to Comparative and International Education:
- Epistemology and methodology of the disciplines of Comparative Education and International Education;

- Analysis of the educational policies of the main international organisations and their links with the MDGs (currently SDGs) (collaborating on projects for various NGDOs and, currently, with the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Valencian Community for the development of the strategic lines of Education for Development linked to the aforementioned Goals);

- Themes linked to Development Cooperation and its connection with Education, both from the point of view of policies and from the vision of Education for Global Citizenship (EPCG); and

- Methodologies related to university teaching (since the implementation of the convergence and innovation pilot projects in Spanish universities): innovation and impact on the quality and application of cooperative methodologies: Service Learning (SL), especially critical or advocacy.

In terms of innovation, she has participated in competitive educational innovation projects, of which he has directed 6, related to practicum competencies, university teaching methodologies, SAME (Global Action Week for Education, introducing it at the UV) or Service Learning (ApS). Within the latter, he created GIASU (University Service-Learning Innovation Group) in 2010. In 2015 she institutionalised Service Learning as director of the Servei de Formació de Profesorat Universitari (SFPIE) through the cApSa project. In this line, she has also been co-director of the Consolidated Stable Group of Educational Innovation (GER) UVApS (Universidats Valencians per l'ApS), since 2016, from which she worked, from the network, with 49 professors of all the degrees of the UV in the field of ApS. until 2018. She is currently leading the consolidated group "SapS ODS?", funded by the UV teaching innovation projects (from 2019 to the present).
- Analysis of the educational policies of the main international organisations and their links with the MDGs (currently SDGs) (collaborating on projects for various NGDOs and, currently, with the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Valencian Community for the development of the strategic lines of Education for Development linked to the aforementioned Goals);
- Themes linked to Development Cooperation and its connection with Education, both from the point of view of policies and from the vision of Education for Global Citizenship (EPCG); and
- Methodologies related to university teaching (since the launch of pilot projects for convergence and innovation in Spanish universities): innovation and impact on the quality and application of cooperative methodologies: Service Learning (SL), especially critical or advocacy.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Second semester
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications