foto Ricardo Morant Marco
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences
(9639) 83064

[Biography, english version]

Full professor since 2009 with 6 teaching activity periods and 5 recognized research activity periods

R. Morant has been awarded with the Extraordinary Price of Degree (Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura) and the 2nd National Award in University Studies in Philology (Premio Nacional de Terminación de Estudios de Filología). Moreover, he has obtained 4 scholarships to carry out projects and he has been involved in 9 competitive projects as a research collaborator.

R. Morant is a member of the research group called LINDICO (Lingüística, Discurso y Cognición). He has done research stays at the University of Trieste as well as at the University of Virginia, and he has collaborated with teams led by national ((C. Galán’s group (UNEX) or C. García Gallarín’s group (UCM)) and international researchers (O. Felecan’s group (Romania), as well as the team led by S. Fiszman (Spain) and G. Ares (Uruguay)).

R. Morant has directed 9 doctoral theses, 9 courses (2 at USAL, 2 at UIMP, 2 at UV, 3 in Benasque), 2 seminars, and 5 meetings for Fundación SM. Moreover, he has carried out other 7 meetings (6 at the UIMP and 1 at the UV)

R. Morant has participated in more than 40 national and international congresses and meetings (USA, Italy, France, Germany, etc.). In some of them, he has participated as invited speaker (Pau, Palermo, Trieste, Charlottesville, Aarhus, etc.). Besides, he has delivered more than 50 conferences.

His research work has given rise to more than 100 works (46 papers, 14 books, 38 chapters, etc.), which have been published in relevant journals (Rilce, CLAC, RDTP, RESLA, Signa, LEA, etc.) and prestigious editorials (Arco Libros, Ariel, Cátedra, De Gruyter, Tirant lo Blanch, etc.).

His research was focused on grammatical studies, with the aim of characterizing the negation (Sobre la negación en catalán, Extraordinary Doctorate Award) and the adverb (co-author of a chapter about the adverbial category in Gramàtica del Català Contemporani, work awarded with the Sanchis Guarner Prize).

R. Morant has also focused on sociolinguistics, bringing his attention to the analysis of genderlects. The books entitled Gramática femenina (co-author, 8 reviews) and Dones i llenguatge. Una mirada masculina (co-author, Ferrer Pastor Research Prize) reflect the interest for this topic.

R. Morant has studied the relationship between language and culture in order to prove the existing linkage between them, as shown in Lengua, vida y cultura en el Valle de Benasque (Villa de Benasque Researh Prize) and Llenguatge i cultura. Per a una ecologia lingüística (co-author).

R. Morant has dedicated to the topic of communication, among other works, Tres finestres obertes al món de la comunicació. El llenguatge del tacte, l'olfacte i el gust (co-author) and the interdisciplinary paper entitled Food labels: Do consumers perceive what semiotics want to convey? (co-author, in Food Quality and Preference (JCR)).

R. Morant has investigated the lexical-semantic level from the methodological (La interacción entre el mundo y la lengua en el ámbito léxico, Tirant Humanidades), neurological ('Experimental analysis of a controlled association of cognitive fields and linguistic fields ' (LEA (SJR)) and linguistic (La metáfora bélica durante la crisis sanitaria de la gripe A (co-author, CLAC (JCR)) point of view.

R. Morant has researched the linguistic landscape, especially texts written on the ground, which have been scarcely studied: La escritura sobre el pavimento callejero: los mensajes de felicitación (RDTP (A&HCI)), Mensajes amorosos en el pavimento (co-author, CLAC (JCR)).

Lately, R. Morant works in the field of onomastics, a discipline in which he has published works such as Denominación, alternancia onomástica y redenominación de animales domésticos (Rilce (JCR)) and La antroponimia en la atención sanitaria (CLAC (JCR)).

The medium- and long-term interests and objectives are to demonstrate the centrality of onomastics as a discipline and the development of lexical-semantic works from the enactionist perspective.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Monday de 10:00 a 12:00. DESPATX 19 FFT I C
First semester
Tuesday de 11:00 a 12:00. DESPATX 19 FFT I C
Second semester
Wednesday de 09:00 a 12:00. DESPATX 19 5ª PLANTA FFT I C
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