foto Nerea Maria Gomez Fernandez
PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
Department: Applied Economics
Despacho: 2D07
9638 28637

Nerea Gómez is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Economics Department of the University of Valencia. She has a PhD in Statistics from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Cum Laude) with international mention (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom). Her doctoral thesis was awarded the 1st Youth Chair prize for the best doctoral thesis on youth issues in Spain.

Previously, she studied the Degree in Economics (UV and Universität Heidelberg) being awarded by the Ministry of Universities with the National End of Degree Award for University Education in the field of Social Sciences. She then completed the Master's Degree in Applied Economics (Universidad de Alicante) and the Master's Degree in Teacher Training (UNED).

She is a member of the Public Economic Evaluation research group (EvalPub) and of the Cátedra of Autonomous Taxation. Her main areas of research are the Economics of Education and applied macroeconomics, highlighting the following lines: determinants of academic performance, use of ICT in the educational field and application of statistical techniques for the evaluation of the economic and social effects of policies. macroeconomics. She has published articles in different scientific journals (JCR), including Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Economic Systems, Hacienda Pública Española and Revista de Educación.

She has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the UK and a visiting professor at the University of Palermo (Italy).  Likewise, she has been a researcher in projects and contracts with various entities such as the Sociological Research Center, the Banco Sabadell Foundation, the Alternativas Foundation and the European Commission.