foto Nina Maria Navajas Pertegas
PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
Department: Social Work and Social Services
Nina Navajas-Pertegás Avda. Tarongers 4b. Universitat de València. Fac. de Ciències Socials Departament de Treball Social i Serveis Socials (2ª planta). Despatx 2-D24. Bústia 93 Campus dels Tarongers 46021 Valencia


I am an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Services. She graduated in Social Work and Master in Gender and Equality Policies from the University of Valencia. I am an International Doctor in Gender Studies and Equality Policies with a doctoral thesis on embodied experiences of fatness from a feminist and interdisciplinary approach.

From October 2016 to January 2021, she was part of the UV's Institut Universitari d'Estudis de les Dones, working as a Predoctoral Researcher thanks to a Training Grant for University Professors from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. < /p>

My research interests revolve around stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination towards fat people (fatphobia or fat stigma); anti-oppressive social work; the sociology of the body; health with a gender perspective; care in the family environment, and cinema as a learning tool. Likewise, I introduce methodological procedures of incipient use in the field of social sciences, such as qualitative techniques: critical analysis of Foucauldian discourse from a feminist perspective, autoethnography and life stories.

I have published scientific articles in magazines such as Azarbe. International Journal of Social Work and Welfare; Quaderns de Ciències Socials, Athenea Digital and Cuadernos de Trabajo Socia. Also, chapters in books from Tirant Humanidades and Icaria publishing houses, in which I have also co-coordinated the book Sociological views of gender. A sociology without barriers, locks or bolts. I have presented communications to several national and international conferences.

I have obtained several awards for my research activity, such as: the Jane Addams, for the best final degree project for incorporating the gender perspective; the Olga Quiñones, for the best master's thesis, and the FirstAward of the First Edition of Article Writing of the Official College of Social Work of Valencia (COTSV).

I was born in Jersey and have lived in Bradford, London, Barcelona and Valencia. I spend most of my time with my partner and our two dogs. I like to take care of my plants, read, play with my nephews, listen to the radio, ride my bike and bake bread.
















Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Monday de 09:00 a 12:00. 2D24
Second semester
Monday de 09:30 a 11:00. 2D24
Second semester
Tuesday de 09:30 a 11:00. 2D24
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