foto Faustino Oncina Coves
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: PHILOSOPHY
Department: Philosophy
(9631) 56275
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Faustino Oncina Coves, a researcher on secondment from 2007 to 2009 at the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC in Madrid, is currently Professor of Philosophy at the University of Valencia. He has made several stays in Germany, both in universities (Mainz, TU Berlin) and in research centers (Max-Planck Institute for the History of European Law in Frankfurt am Main, Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research in Berlin), and directs the research project "Conceptual and critical history of modernity" (FFI2017-82195-P) of the AEI/FEDER, EU and the homonymous Research Group of the University of Valencia (GIUV2013-037), which follow the trail of several previous projects, under whose auspices he has edited or collaborated in numerous publications, among which it is worth mentioning: Philosophy for the University, Philosophy against the University (From Kant to Nietzsche) (Dykinson, 2008), Conceptual history, Enlightenment and modernity (Anthropos, 2009), Words, Concepts, Ideas. Studies on conceptual history (Herder, 2010), Aesthetics of memory (PUV, 2011), Tradition and innovation in intellectual history. Historiographic methods (Biblioteca Nueva, 2013), Narrative turns and stories of knowledge (Plaza and Valdés, 2013), Fichte und die Kunst (Rodopi, 2014) , Nomadic Concepts: Self-determination (PUV, 2014), Hans Blumenberg: In/conceptual history, anthropology and modernity (Pre-Texts, 2015), The History sedimented in concepts. Studies on conceptual history and critique of ideology (Comares, 2016), Spatio-temporal changes: image and memory (General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, 2017), Constelaciones (Pre-Texts, 2017), Critique of modernity. Modernity of criticism (Pre-Texts, 2019), Utopias and uchronies(Bellaterra, 2020), Spatio-temporal metaphors for history (Pre-Texts, 2021) and Does the future have a future? (Plaza and Valdés, 2022). At the moment, his interest revolves around the relationships between conceptual history and modernity, on the one hand, and between Enlightenment, German Idealism and hermeneutics, on the other.

01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
JUEVES de 08:00 a 14:00 DESPATX F16
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
LUNES de 08:00 a 14:00 DESPATX F16