foto M. del Pilar Fernandez Artiach
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Labour and Social Security Law
(9616) 25271
Subjects taught and teaching methods
33579 - Prácticas Externas - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
36711 - Final degree project Political Sc. and Public Adm - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
33580 - Degree final project - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
35094 - Final degree project in Criminology - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35094 - Final degree project in Criminology - Degree in Criminology
34994 - Degree final project - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Sociology + Political Sciences and Public Administration
41084 - Garantías jurídicas de derechos humanos - Master's Degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Degree in Law
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35222 - Derecho del Trabajo II - Degree in Law
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Political Sciences and Administration
43234 - Clínica jurídica - Master's Degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
41088 - Degree final project - Master's Degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
36711 - Final degree project Political Sc. and Public Adm - Degree in Political Sciences and Administration
33562 - Derecho del Trabajo I - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:30 a 13:30 5D11 DESPATX Planta 5 FACULTAT DE DRET
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:30 a 12:30 5D11 DESPATX Planta 5 FACULTAT DE DRET
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
JUEVES de 15:15 a 16:15 5D11 DESPATX Planta 5 FACULTAT DE DRET
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