

Pascual Patuel is Professor of Art History at the University of Valencia. Degree in Geography and History (University of Valencia) and History of Art (University of Barcelona), Doctor of Art History (University of Barcelona). He is the author of books, reviews, articles, communications to congresses, curators of exhibitions and technical reports. He has dedicated most of his research activity to the artistic period commonly known as Last Tendencies, which covers the period from the Second World War to the present. The basic objective has been to focus the attention on the most innovative movements that have occurred within the Valencian Art, paying special attention to those artists or institutions that have had the best national and international projection.

This research line is divided into six basic blocks, which have been structured and concretized the dedication to this period that covers the last 60 years of Contemporary Art, in the field of plastic arts, architecture and urban planning. These blocks are the following.

A) Current artistic trends.

Basically it is destined to the study of the vanguards developed in the Valencian and Spanish period under study. Among the various publications we can mention:

Pintura espacialista valenciana (Revista Goya, 1991).

Pintura sígnico-gestual valenciana (Revista Goya, 1993).

El informalismo matérico en la pintura valenciana (Diputación Provincial de Castellón, 1997).

Geométrica valenciana (Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 1999).

Realisme Social Valencià en la Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia (Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, 2018).

B) Studies on artists with extensive trajectory

This area is dedicated to study the monographic analysis of some authors with wide resonance and significance in the current Valencian and Spanish context. Some of them have already deceased and others have an advanced career, born from the late nineteenth century until the forties of the twentieth century. They have militated in groups such as Grupo Z, Grupo Los Siete, Parpalló, Movimiento Artístico del Mediterráneo, Arte Actual, etc. We can mention:

Vicente Pastor Pla (Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 1997).

Joaquín Michavila (Diputación Provincial de Castellón, 1999).

Javier Calvo (Generalitat Valenciana, 1999).

Nassio Bayarri (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2000).

Salvador Victoria (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2000).

Eduardo Sales (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2002).

Alfonso Pérez Plaza (Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, Museo del Puerto de Veracruz, México, 2002).

Agustín Albalat (Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 2002).

Antonia Mir (Generalitat Valenciana, 2003).

José Manaut (Generalitat Valenciana, 2004).

José Vento González (Generalitat Valenciana, 2005).

Fernando Peiró Coronado (Grafisa, 2006).

Salvador Soria (Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, 2006).

Wenceslao Rambla (Generalitat Valenciana, 2007).

Monjalés (Consorcio de Museos de la Comunidad Valenciana, 2014).

Salvador Montesa (Generalitat Valenciana-Fundación Chirivella Soriano, 2016).

Isabel Oliver. 40 años de arte comprometido, 1970-2009 (Universidad de Valencia, 2019).

C) Valencian artistic groups and movements

It allows to study a whole series of groups and artistic movements of the 40s, 50s and 60s, where the development of the avant-garde in the Valencian world had been gestated. A special effort was made to locate the extensive documentation that his work had been generated among catalogs of exhibitions, monographs, diverse publications, statutes, letters, magazines, references in the press, etc.

Grupo Z y Grupo Los Siete (Revista L'Espill, 1991).

Grupo Parpalló (Revista Archivo de Arte Valenciano, 1990).

Movimiento Artístico del Mediterráneo (Consell Valencià de Cultura, 1998).

Los grupos Neos, Art Nou y Rotgle Obert en la Valencia de los años 50 (Revista Saitabi, 1995).

Asociación Arte Actual (Revista Archivo de Arte Valenciano, 1993).

25 años del premio de pintura y escultura Bancaja (Bancaja, 1998).

Salones Valencianos de Arte (Diputación de Valencia, 1999).

D) Thematic projects

These are publications that analyze a monographic and specific theme:

– Diccionario de Artistas Valencianos del Siglo XX (Albatros, 1999).

Paisaje Valenciano en el siglo XX (Generalitat Valenciana, 2002).

Música y Arte (Ayuntamiento de Valencia, 2004).

Arte actual a la comarca de l'Horta Sud de Valencia (CAM-Mancomunidad e Instituto de Estudios de l'Horta Sud de Valencia, 2003).

Repertorio Bibliográfico de Artistas Valencianos Contemporáneos Seleccionado y Comentado (Diputación de Valencia-Universidad de Valencia, 2005 y ss.).

La luz de las imágenes. Lux mundi Xàtiva 2007 (Generalitat Valenciana, 2007).

– Pabellón de la Santa Sede (Nunciatura Apostólica en España. Expo Zaragoza, 2008).

– Diccionario Biográfico Español (Real Academia de la Historia, 2009).

E) Modern Art Studies

It corresponds to studies related to international art of the period between the sixties of the twentieth century and the twenty-first century that have already taken place. They are the result of stays at the University of Toulouse and at the University of the Colorado State (USA). They allowed to access a significant volume of documentation and documentary sources that have allowed to analyze in depth this period. The intention is to offer, to the art students and people interested in these stages of art history, diachronic studies with historiographical criteria:

Arquitectura Actual (Tirant Humanidades, 2016).

Arte Actual (Universidad de Valencia, 2016).

F) Global visions about Contemporary Valencian Art

Architecture and urban development of the University of Valencia Blasco Ibáñez Campus (Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 2014).

Arte Valenciano en el Franquismo, 1939-1975 (Universidad de Valencia-Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2019).