foto Jaume Peris Blanes
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Spanish
(9639) 83251

Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of Valencia, in the Department of Spanish Philology. He was previously a professor for two years at the Université d'Antananarivo (Madagascar).

His main field of research has been the forms and representations of political violence in Latin America and Spain, as well as the construction of social and cultural memory in post-dictatorial societies. He has dedicated several studies to testimonial literature and to contemporary memory cultures. He has published the books La imposible voz. Memoria y representación de los campos de concentración en Chile (2005, Cuarto Propio) e Historia del testimonio chileno. De las estrategias de denuncia a las políticas de memoria (2008, Quaderns de Filologia). He has also studied the relationship between literature and the revolutionary imaginaries in Latin America in the sixties and seventies, from which different publications about the work of Julio Cortázar have emerged, focused on the crossroads between aesthetic autonomy and political revolution. He is currently investigating the relationship between culture and political imagination in Latin America and Spain, with special attention to the dystopian imagination and its relationship with contemporary critical cultures. He has coordinated the collective book Cultura e imaginación política (2018, Rilma2/ADELH).

He is the director of Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural, edited by the Department of Spanish Philology of the Universitat de València. In that journal he has published a special issue on "Avatares del testimonio en América Latina: tensiones, contradicciones, relecturas", a dossier on "Creación colectiva, sinautoría y cooperativismo en la cultura contemporánea" and a mongraphic issue "La vía cultural al socialismo. Políticas de la cultura en el Chile de la Unidad Popular", with Loreto López. He has also coordinated the volume "Ficciones inmunitarias. Relatos culturales del contagio y la amenaza" in Papeles del CEIC. International Journal On Collective Identity Research. 


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01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
LUNES de 11:00 a 14:00 DESPATX
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