Dr. Barry Pennock Speck is a senior lecturer in the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València and a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades (IULMA). Before that, he was a secondary school teacher and taught at the EOI. He teaches English as a foreign language and English Phonology. He has conducted research on English accents and phonology and linguistic politeness in television adverts. More recently he has analysed facework in telecollaborative exchanges in secondary schools and analaysed lexical density, diversity and sophisticated in a telecollaborative exchange at the tertiary level. He has participated in several regional, national and European Projects. In the last decade, he has participated in the TILA and TeCoLa projects. At the moment he is a member of the European Erasmus+ E-LIVE project that started in 2022 and will end in 2025 (https://sites.google.com/view/eliveproject).