foto Pedro Teruel Ruiz
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: PHILOSOPHY
Department: Philosophy
Universitat de València Departament de Filosofia Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez, 30 46010 València
(9639) 83757

Pedro Jesús Teruel (Lorca, 1971) is PhD with Extraordinary Doctorate Award (UNED, 2006) and master in Neuroscience and Ethology (UPO, 2010). He has evolved his studies in Spain, Germany, The Netherlands and Italy. His research focuses the convergence between philosophical anthropology, metaphysics and theory of knowledge, with particular interest for the scientific-natural projection of questions like the mind-body problem.

He has published many studies in different languages. Between them, the monographies Mind, Brain and Anthropology in Kant (Tecnos, Madrid, 2008) and Philosophy and Science in Hypatia (Gredos, Madrid, 2011). As editor he has coordinated Ingmar Bergman, pearl finder. Film and Philosophy in the work of a master of the 20th Century (Morphos, Murcia, 2008; second edition: 2009), Kant and the Sciences (Biblioteca Nueva / Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 2011) and Brain, Mind, Body, Person. Film Anthropology (CEU Ediciones, Madrid, 2011). He has contributed also to the most recent introduction to the Critique of Practical Reason which has been published in Germany: Einführung in die Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Meiner, Hamburg, 2010).

He has given keynote speeches in countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, Liechtenstein, Mexico and Chile. He has been visiting researcher in the Humboldt-Universität of Berlin, the University of Oxford and the University of Vienna and visiting professor in academic institutions like the Università degli Studi di Verona.

He was the founding director of the Revista de Estudios Kantianos, international scientific journal of the Society of Kantian Studies in the Spanish Language (SEKLE). As main organizator he has coordinated scientific meetings like the 4th Internacional Conference "Actuality of the Critique of pure reason" (2018). He has been a member of the board of directors of the SEKLE and is nowadays member of the board of directors of the Kant-Gesellschaft, as well as of the editorial board of various scientific journals.

He is currently a tenured professor at the department of Philosophy of the University of València. The CNEAI has recognised him three six-years periods of research. His current research project takes place in the field of Neurophilosophy. He leads the research group "Kant-València".

Lines of research:

  • Systematic aspects: Mind-Brain Problem, Evolutionary Epistemology, Neurophilosophy.
  • Historiographical aspects: Kantian Theoretical Philosophy, post-Kantian Philosophy in the German Language.



Last update: 18.05.2024. 

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01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
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