Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2020). Culture as a strategic innovation factor for T&C sector. (Paper). Weaving Europe . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2020). . (Invited paper). Imaginaria: Jornadas de imagen. Crisis y cultura . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl; Blanco Sierra, Oscar ; Bacete Armengot, Guillem ; Sendra Moreno, Maria (2019). A Culture-based innovation model for Textile and Clothing Innovation. (Communication). International Conference on Regional Science . Castelló . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2018). Approaching to an Economic Model more social and sustainable. (Chair of session). International Conference on Regional Science . SPAIN
Abeledo-Sanchis, Raúl; Blanco, Oscar; Coll-Serrano, Vicente, Roig, Marta (2018). Redefining ex-ante evaluation processes. (Paper). International Conference on Regional Science . València . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2018). Coordinator of special session S15 Cultura, creativitat i innovació en les regions Med. (Participation in organiser committee). International Conference on Regional Science . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl; Rausell Köster, Pau (2018). . (Symposium organization). Trans-making Spring Academy . València . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis; Oscar Blanco Sierra; Marta Roig (2017). Arte, Creatividad e Innovación en el Sector Textil en el Mediterráneo. (Paper). International Conference on Regional Science / LIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales / XIII Congreso de Ciencia Regional de Andalucia / . Sevilla . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2017). State of play of local cultural and artistic markets. (Roundtable discussion). Creative Tracks . París . FRANCE
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2017). LOS PROCESOS CULTURALES COMO DISPOSITIVOS DE TRANSFORMACIÓN. (Roundtable discussion). Encuentro Cultura y Ciudadanía - Ministerio de Cultura . Cerezales del Condado . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2017). Cooperative Economy. (Commentator). Journées pour une Europe Créative - Ministerio Cultura Francia . Paris . FRANCE
Abeledo-Sanchis, R.; Rausell-Köster, P; Coll-Serrano, V. (2016). The development situation and characteristics of cultural economy and creative industries in the mediterranean region. (Invited paper). International Conference 'Two points of silk road: The academic meeting of culture and economy' . Kunming-Shanghai . CHINA
Rausell-Köster, P.; Abeledo-Sanchis, R.; Coll-Serrano, V. (2016). The theoretical basis, research path, research characteristics and representative research results of Econcult's research on cultural economics. (Invited paper). International Conference 'Two points of silk road: The academic meeting of culture and economy' . Kunming-Shanghai . CHINA
Coll-Serrano, V.; Rausell-Köster, P; Abeledo-Sanchis, R. (2016). Critical reflection on the construction of cultural indicators. (Invited paper). International Conference 'Two points of silk road: The academic meeting of culture and economy' . Kunming-Shanghai . CHINA
Rausell-Köster, P.; Abeledo-Sanchis, R.; Coll-Serrano, V. (2016). Diseño de una plataforma virtual para la promoción de las industrias culturales y creativas (ICCS) en el marco de las estrategias regionales de especialización inteligente (RIS3). (Paper). XXX CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA . VALENCIA . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, R.; Coll Serrano, V. (2016). Promoting a mediterranean way for regional smart specialization: The CreativMED toolkit. (Communication). XLII International Conference on Regional Science . Santiago de Compostela . SPAIN
Rafael Boix Domenech; Pau Rausell Koster; Raul Abeledo Sanchis (2016). El modelo Calatrava: reflexiones sobre la resiliencia y la plasticidad de las ciudades. (Communication). XLII Reunión de Estudios Regionales . Santiago de Compostela . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis Raúl (2015). Spaces for creativity and culture: the role of public space. (Paper). Innova Granada . Granada . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2015). . (Communication). The MED Programme Capitalisation . Bruselas . BELGIUM
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl; Rausell Köster, Pau (2015). Creatividad Mediterránea y Desarrollo Económico. (Paper). Economía Regional de las Actividades Creativas y los Servicios Innovadores . Alcalá de Henares . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2015). Creativity, Innovation and Local development: an approach from the cultural spaces'. (Paper). Innova Conference . Barcelona . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2015). 'Economía cultural y creativa: un análisis desde el Mediterráneo'. (Invited paper). II Reunión Iberoamericana de socioeconomía . Porto Alegre . BRAZIL
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl; Castro López, Vanesa; López Ordóñez, Iñaki (2015). Culture as vanguard and engine of social innovation for sustainable rural development: the case of Montenoso project. (Paper). CULTURES(S) IN SUSTAINABLE FUTURES: THEORIES, PRACTICES AND POLICIES . Helsinki . FINLAND
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2015). A mediterranean way of innovation?. (Paper). Innova . Granada . SPAIN
Rausell Köster, Pau; Abeledo Sanchís, Raül (2015). A Mediteranean way of innovation? Territorial diagnosis and policy proposals. (Paper). Encuentro INNOVA. DEFINIENDO LAS BASES DE UN NUEVO MODELO SOCIO-ECONÓMICO PARA UNA ESPAÑA POST-CRISIS . Granada . SPAIN
Rausell-Köster; Abeledo-Sanchis; Marrades-Sempere (2014). The Creativemed Toolkit: Promoting a Mediterranean Way to Innovation. (Paper). International Conference on Regional Science . Zaragoza . SPAIN
Rausell-Köster; Abeledo-Sanchis (2014). Developing Territories Through Culture and Creativity. (Participation in organiser committee). Final Conference 3C4 Incubators . Roma . ITALY
Abeledo-Sanchis, Raúl (2014). La Perspectiva Europea de la Política Regional: la creixent centralitat de la cultura i la creativitat. (Paper). Universitat d´Estiu de Gandia . Gandia . SPAIN
Abeledo-Sanchis, Raúl (2014). Cultura y Creatividad: Indicadores para la Innovación Social. (Symposium organization). 3C4 Incubators . València . SPAIN
Rausell-Köster; Abeledo-Sanchis (2014). The Creativemed Toolkit. (Paper). Creativemed Final Conference . Prato . ITALY
Abeledo-Sanchis, Raúl (2014). Problemas Comuns, Soluçoes Partilhadas: resultados de Creativemed Project. (Invited paper). Med On The MOve . Valencia . SPAIN
Rausell-Köster; Abeledo-Sanchis (2014). La Cultura como Motor de Innovación: definiendo las bases de un nuevo modelo socio-económico. (Paper). Innova . LLeida . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchís, Raül; Marrades Sempere, Rausell Köster, Pau; (2014). The CreativeMed Toolkit: Promoting a Mediterranean Way for Smart Specialization. (Paper). XL International Conference on Regional Science . Zaragoza . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2013). Economía y Ecología: Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad. Energía, Clima y Ecosistemas. (Invited paper). 3ª Edició de la Universitat d´Hivern d´Ontinyent . Ontinyent . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2013). Diseño de un Plan Estratégico de Turismo Cultural. (Invited paper). Turisme Cultural i Desenvolupament Local . Canals . SPAIN
Cesar Camisón; Marcelo Royo; Raúl Abeledo; Santiago Cantarero (2013). Desenvolupament Territorial en Zones Rurals: el Turisme. (Roundtable discussion). DESENVOLUPAMENT TERRITORIAL, RURALITAT I SOSTENIBILITAT CLAUS VALENCIANES, CLAUS EUROPEES 13 i 14 de juny de 2013. Facultat d¿Economia . València . SPAIN
Pau Rausell Kóster, Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2013). Espacios para la Creatividad Social y la Innovación Oculta. (Participation in organiser committee). Culture, Creative and Clusters for Incubators . València . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2012). Análisis de la función de producción de las organizaciones culturales: implicaciones para la innovación territorial. (Invited paper). Seminário Indústrias Criativas, Cultura e Economia . Porto Alegre . BRAZIL
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2012). Cultura, criatividade e desenvolvimiento: el modelo sostenuto. (Invited paper). Seminario de Economia da Cultura: un Modelo para O Brasil . Campinas . BRAZIL
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2012). Sustainability, Long Term Vision and Social Engagement. (Invited paper). Cidade CReativa Guimaraes . Guimaraes . PORTUGAL
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2012). Artistic Mobility and Territorial Development: Main connections. (Communication). . Beirut . LEBANON
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2012). Cultural Organizations and Social Innovation: The Case of Bunker (Slovenia). (Paper). Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations and Interventions http://www.ces.uc.pt/myces/UserFiles/livros/1097_cescontexto.pdf . Coimbra . PORTUGAL
Pau Rausell Köster; Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2012). 'Culture on the frontlines: unveiling the keys to social and economic innovation in the Med space'. (Participation in organiser committee). Sostenuto Final Conference 'Culture as a Factor for Social and Economic Innovation' http://www.uv.es/ECONCULT/pdf/Sostenuto_Volume1_ENG.pdf . Valencia . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2012). The Function of Production of the Cultural Organizations: Keys to the Innovation. (Invited paper). Sostenuto Final Conference . Valencia . SPAIN
Rausell Köster, P; Marco Serrano, F; Abeledo Sanchis, R. (2012). Creative industries and wealth in European regions: causality issues. (Paper). ERSA 2012 Congress . Bratislava . SLOVAKIA
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2011). PROJETS INNOVANTS ENCOURAGEANT LE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE. (Roundtable discussion). Smart Growth . Barcelona . SPAIN
Arastey, Vicente; Abeledo Raúl (2010). . (Paper). II International Workshop On Cultural Economics . València . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo Sanchis (2018). Redefining Ex-ante evaluation processes. (Paper). International Conference on Regional Science . SPAIN
Abeledo Sanchis, Raúl (2023). "Hacia una nueva gobernanza en cultura: Principales retos y limitaciones". (Paper). VI Conferencia Estatal de la Cultura . València . SPAIN
Raúl Abeledo, Ilaria Tosoni, Rarita Zbranca, Chema Segovia (2021). Looking towards the future. What are the next steps for European cultural policies? Paris Declaration. (Roundtable discussion). MESOC Project Final event - Exploring and assessing the societal impacts of culture . París . FRANCE