

Degree in Modern Philology with Extraordinary Award and Doctor in Spanish Literature from the University of Valencia where she teaches since 1976 and is Professor since 1986. She has taught at Westfield College in London and at the universities of Bologna, Mainz, Milan, Florence, Montréal and Virginia (USA).

He carried out a pioneering thesis on the short novel Golden Age after Cervantes, pointing out its miscellaneous and renovating character of sociology of reading in the Spanish Baroque, the interest of its techniques and the space opened to women's writing from XVII century. He has edited and studied the manuscript of Academia de los Nocturnos of Valencia, its cultural and poetic production and its contribution to a new sociology of knowledge in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Her works on the Spanish theater of the Golden Age stand out, with studies and editions of the short theater of Cervantes and Calderón de la Barca. She has published his Entremeses, jácaras y mojigangas, La vida es sueño, Los cabellos de Absalón and his poetic production. In 2009 he made an extensive study and critical edition of the Arte Nuevo de hacer comedias by Lope de Vega (2009). His book La técnica del actor español en el Barroco. Hipótesis y documentos (1998) received the Leandro Fernández de Moratín Award for Theater Studies, and has allowed him to teach specialized courses and seminars in the academic and scenic areas. She has also dealt with the relationship between archeology and literature of the historical myth, especially that of Ancient Sagunto and its reflection in European literature and theater.

He has directed numerous R & D Projects, belongin to the Consolider Research Group TC-12 Spanish Classical Theatrical Heritage. Texts and research instruments (Gold Medal of the Performing Arts in 2018) which includes her Historical and Critical Dictionary of the Ecenic Practice of the Golden Age.

She presided over the R & D Evaluation Committee of Philology and Philosophy of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She has been Director of the Department of Spanish Philology; Vice-Rector of the University of Valencia; member of its Governing Council; General Director of Cultural Heritage and of the Valencian Institute of Performing Arts and Cinematography of the Generalitat Valenciana; member of number of the Valencian Institute of Studies and Research and of the Patonato of the Misteri d'Elx.