foto Angel Saez Berlanga
PI-Pred_Conselleria Acif Gva
Dilluns de 09:00 a 11:00 Dimecres de 09:00 a 11:00 Despatx Comú Sud FCAFE

Currently, Ángel is a PhD student in Physical Activity and Sport with a grant from the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of Valencia (ACIF contract, 2022-2026). His thesis project, directed by Prof. Juan Carlos Colado Sánchez, focuses on the study of physical activity interventions aimed at the prevention and treatment of frailty caused by ageing, as well as improving the functional and biological health of older adults.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Monday de 09:00 a 10:30. DESPATX COMU SUD Nº1
Second semester
Monday de 09:00 a 10:30. DESPATX COMU SUD Nº1
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València