foto Rosario Inmaculada Serra Cristobal
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Responsables de Gestio Academica
Coordinador/a Titulacio de Grau
Department: Constitutional Law, Political and Administrative Sciences
Despatx 1-E05
(9638) 28945



Rosario SERRA CRISTÓBAL is Full-Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia (Spain) and has a Ph. D. in Law (University of Valencia, 1997).

She is member of the Human Rights Institute of the same University, and member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) and of the Spanish Association of Constitutional Law (ACE).

In 2018 she was awarded the prize of academic excellence by the Social Council of the University of Valencia.

Former Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law (2018-2024)

From 1994 she has been member of several R&D projects with public financial support (and she was Project Leader of two of them) on European Union, Relations between regions and the European Union, the Principle of Equality, Regional Parliaments, Latin-American constitutionalism, Women and politics, Intersectional Discrimination, Social Rights within the economic crisis, and Trafficking. Today Rosario Serra is Co-Principal Investigator of the R&D Project on Inclusive Justice.

She is author of several books,

- El Comité Económico y Social de las Comunidades Europeas (Mc Graw-Hill, 1996) (The Economic and Social Committee of the European Communities).

- La guerra de las Cortes: una revisión de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo a través del recurso de amparo (Tecnos, 1999), (The war of the Courts: a review of the Supreme Court’s case-law through the writ of amparo)

- La libertad ideológica del juez (Tirant lo Blanch, 2004), (Judge's ideological freedom)

- Trata sexual de mujeres. De la represión del delito a la protección de la víctima (Ministerio de Justicia, 2007) (Sexual trafficking of women. From law enforcement to protection of the victim)

- Prostitución y Trata. Marco Jurídico y Régimen de derechos (Coord.) (Tirant lo Blanch, 2007) (Prostitution and Trafficking. Legal Framework and System of Rights)

- La Selección de los Jueces en Estados Unidos (Thomson-Civitas, 2011) (The appointment of Judges in USA)

- Multidiscriminación en los ordenamientos jurídicos español y europeo (Coord.) (Tirant lo Blanch, 2012) (Multidiscrimination in Spain and Europe)

- (Co-autor) Rights and Freedoms in the Spanish Constitution, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2015.

- La seguridad como amenaza (Tirant lo Blanch 2020) (Security as a treaht)

She is author of articles in journals/periodicals and participations in books on Constitutional Law on fundamental rights, participation, civil society, judicial power, citizen’s representation in parliaments, trafficking and terrorism/data protection, national security, fake news.

Her resumé includes stays as visiting researcher at: University of Minnesota (EEUU), Université de Montpellier (Francia), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Bélgica), Université Catholique de Louvain-la Neuve (Bélgica), Universita “La Sapienza” (Roma), Instituto Internacional de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo (Francia), la Académie internacional de Droit Constitutionnel (Túnez), Cardozzo School of Law (NYC-EEUU)


Her last participations in international Conferences or Congresses were in:

- “Have we the right to know we are being spied?”, XII Congress of the Spanish Association of Constitutional Law, 3-4 April 2014, Salamanca, Spain.

- “The impact of Counter-terrorism Security Measures on Fundamental Rights”, IX World Congress of Constitutional Law, Oslo 2014.

- "Privacy and counter-terrorism in the digital era", Milan 2016.

- "Las relaciones entre el Derecho Anglosajón y el Derecho Latinoamericano”,Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2016.

- "Surveillance on data and electronic communications in the counter-terrorism fight in Spain", Paris 2016.

- “Trafficking as a form of violence against women”, Equality, Gender and Violence, University Castilla-La Mancha, 2017, Spain.

- “Surveillance of cross border passing”, in Journey on International protection on individuals and data, Castellón, Spain.

- "Processing personal data on Eu cross-border movements to fight terrorism", 10th World Congress of Constitutional Law, University, Seúl, Korea. June, 2018

- "Respuestas del pasado a la amenaza del terrorismo vs. nuevos planteamientos", International Congress “Espacios globales y seguridad: Estrategas de respuesta española”, University of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2018.

- "El control de los mensajes terroristas en internet”, IX International Seminar on Security and Defense. University of Jaén. October, 2020.


Subjects taught and teaching methods
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports