Assistant Professor Doctor in The Departament of Labor and Social Security Law of the University of Valencia (Spain). Director of the Research Group "Digital disconnection at work" at the University of Valencia (DESC-LABOR, GIUV2020-473).
Doctor in 2013 from the University "Jaume I" (Castelló). Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2013). Accredited by ANECA as a Professor Hired Doctor and Professor of Private University. Diploma in Labor Relations (2005), Bachelor of Labor Sciences (2007) and Senior Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention (Master in Occupational Risk Prevention in the specialties of occupational safety, industrial hygiene and ergonomics and psychosociology).
International research stays in Switzerland (Geneva-International Labor Organization), Canada (University of Ottawa), France (Université Paris 1 - La Sorbonne) and Finland (University of Turku).
Teaching and research experience since 2009 at the public university level, punctual collaborator in private universities and training in occupational risk prevention for companies.
Among others, author of books (3, one in second edition), coordinator of collective work (1), book chapters (11), legal journals (55), national and international communications (9), collaborator for journals in tasks of translation, member of the evaluation boards of indexed journals.