foto Juan Francisco Vazquez Costa
PDI-Associat/Da Universitari/A
Knowledge area: MEDICINE
Department: Medicine
Unidad de enfermedades neuromusculares Torre D Planta 5ª Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe Av Fernando Abril Martorell, 106 46026 Valencia Tel. 961245542 Fax. 961246241
961246241 (D)

Graduated in Medicine at University of Valencia in 2005, having completed the last two years of the degree at the University of Freiburg. Between 2005 and 2006 I did a research stay with a brain microdialysis project in mice at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Freiburg. In 2007 I participated as a contracted researcher in a research project funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). Between 2008 and 2012 I did the neurology residency at Hospital la Fe, with a three-month training stay in the dementia department of the Massachusetts General Hospital and at the Martinos Center neuroimaging research center (Boston, USA). At the end of the residency, after a brief stint at the Hospital de Xátiva (Valencia), I joined the Research Group in Neuromuscular Pathology and Ataxias (GIPNMA) and the CIBERER, thanks to a competitive public contract of the IIS La Fe (2013 - 2017 ). Between 2018 and 2019 I continued my specialization in the diagnosis and treatment of rare neuromuscular diseases, particularly motor neuron diseases, thanks to a Rio Hortega contract from the ISCIII. In February 2019 I read the doctoral thesis on biomarkers and genetics in ELA. During these years I have participated in 17 research projects (in many of them as IP) and I collaborate with other researchers from the IISLaFe, the University of Murcia, the University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Girona, the IBV-CSIC, and of the CIPF. I have participated in numerous different clinical trials in dementia, neuropathies and SMA as a sub-investigator and in ALS as a principal investigator. I have published more than 40 articles in indexed journals and several book chapters. I have developed a software together with the UPV that is accepted and published in the Patent Bank of the Consellería de Economía Sostenible y Sectores Productivos. Since November 2019 I am an associate professor of neurology at the University of Valencia. Since January 2020 I work at Hospital la Fe, as coordinator of the motor neuron diseases unit, after being awarded with a contract of excellence Juan Rodés from the ISCIII.