foto Violeta Martinez Paricio
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Dept Teoria dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació. Fac. de Filologia Avda. Blasco Ibáñez 32-5ª, despacho 21, 46010 Valencia

Violeta Martínez-Paricio holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Tromsø-Arctic University of Norway. She was a Research Fellow at the Norwegian center of excellence CASTL (Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics) (2009-2013) and, after that, she was hired at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim, 2014). In 2016 she obtained two competitive merit-based postdoctoral contracts (VALi+D and Juan de la Cierva) and joined the Spanish university system. She currently works as Associate Professor at the Universitat de València, after having been Profesora Ayudante Doctora at UV (2021-2023) and at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2019-2021). Her research interests cover various aspects of phonology and morphophonology, from a crosslinguistic perspective. She has published articles in high impact factor journals (Phonology, Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, Linguistics, Verba ...), books and book chapters in prestigious publishing houses (Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Tirant lo Blanch ...) and has presented her work at many international conferences. She has been a visiting researcher, both as a PhD student and as a postdoc researcher, at several leading research centers in Linguistics (University of California Santa Cruz, Universitat de Manchester, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa) and has attended two Linguistic Summer Institutes organized by the Linguistic Society of America (at the University of Berkeley California in 2009 and at the University of Boulder Colorado in 2011). Along with her theoretical line of research, since 2014 she collaborates with a multidisciplinary research group in Norway (NTNU), with whom she has contributed to the development of a virtual platform for teaching second language pronunciation (Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor) and she has implemented parts of the multilingual database L1-L2map.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Tuesday de 12:00 a 15:00. DESPATX 21 5ª PLANTA FFT I C
Second semester
Wednesday de 10:00 a 13:00. DESPATX 21 5ª PLANTA FFT I C
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València