foto Xavier Hernandez i Garcia
PI-Invest Formacio Atraccio Talent
Departament de Filologia Catalana, Despatx 75. Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació UV, Av. Blasco Ibañez, 32, 46010 València.
83792 (D)

Xavier Hernandez i Garcia (1996) is a graduate of Catalan Studies from the University of Valencia and has held the Master of Music as Interdisciplinary Art at the University of Barcelona, the University Rovira i Virgili and the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya. It is part of the editorial board of Gargots Revista Literària and Gargots Associació Cultural. His last works deal with the relationship of music to other fields, especially literature, film and philosophy. Currently, he prepares the thesis "Joan Fuster and Music: aesthetic ideas, metatextuality and intermedial relations", under the direction of Dr. Carme Gregori, with a predoctoral scholarship of the "Talent Attraction" program of the University of Valencia. He has published in several specialized journals such as Haidé. Estudis Maragallians, 452.F. Journal of Theory of Comparative Literature and Literature, Caplletra. International Journal of Philology or Catalonia.