Guillermo Palao Moreno
Knowledge area: International Law 'Adolfo Miaja de la Muela'
(+34) 963828551

Teacher and researcher:

  • Full university professor in International Private Law at the Universitat de València.


Academic Responsibility:

  • UV Vice-principal in Internationalisation and Cooperation



  • Llicenciat (former Spanish undergraduate degree) in Law by the Universitat de València (1990);
  • Doctor in Law by the Universitat de València (Extraordinary Award) (1994).



  • Research stays at: Universitá La Sapienza (Rome), Harvard Law School, Max-Planck Institut für Ausländisches un internationales privatrecht (Hamburg), Institut Sussie de Droit Comparé (Lausanne).
  • Single author in five monographs;
  • Co-author in over 10 collective books, published both in Spain and outside in matters related to International Private Law.
  • Author of over a hundred scientific works involving book chapters, articles, release notes and reviews in different matters related to International Private Law; published in national and international specialised journals.
  • Fields of expertise:

International Private Law of the European Union

International Market Law (in particular intellectual property, International Social Law, international law of obligations);

International Procedural Civil Law and International Market Litigation (in particular, Arbitration and Mediation);

International Private Law and Internet;

International Labour Law;

Family Law and International and International Successions.

  • He has  three periods of 6 years on research work and four periods of five years of teaching recognised.


  • Postgraduate Studies professor and lecturer in several national and international events in Spain, Europe and South America.
  • Academic Corresponding to the Royal Academy of Spanish Jurisprudence and Legislation”.
  • Associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
  • Fellow member del “European Law Institute”.
  • Advisor of the “Study Group on a European Civil Code”.
  • Associate Member del “Centre for Private International Law”, University of Aberdeen (Great Britain).
  • Member of the “Comité Valenciano para la Unión Europea”.
  • Member of the following professional and scientific Associations:

“Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales”;

“Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado”;

“Asociación Hispano-Alemana de Juristas”,

“Grupo I+D MedArb, Universitat de València”

“Grupo I+D Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, Universitat de València”;

“Red de especialistas Derecho TICs (Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación)”.

  • Member of:

“Centro de Mediación y Arbitraje de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual” (Geneva, Switzerland);

“Centro de Mediación y Arbitraje de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual” (Geneva, Switzerland)


Subjects taught and teaching methods
35226 - International private lawTheoretical-Practical
44549 - International contracts and legal regime of electronic commerceTheory
44564 - Master's final projectWork end of studies
46726 - Medios judiciales y extrajudiciales de resolución de conflictosTheory
Monday de 12:00 a 13:30. DESPACHO 3A07
Tuesday de 11:00 a 12:30. DESPACHO 3A07