Una escena de la obra 'Qui sóc jo...' de Escena Erasmus UV. FOTO: MIGUEL LORENZO.
Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira

Autonomic Tour of the European December 2024 of Escena Erasmus from the Universitat de València


Inside the framework of European December 2024 dedicated to the brotherhood between the cities of Valencia and Bologna with the motto 'Ciao Bologna’, the theatrical European project Escena Erasmus UV will take to the Valencian stages for the last time the play 'Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira'.

They will farewell this year with the Autonomic Tour, in collaboration with the Valencian Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, that will perform on:

  • 3 December, 7:30pm, Arniches Theatre at Alicante, of free access
  • 4 December, 7pm, El Musical Theatre at Valencia, of free access with the downloadable invitation in the TEM Website
  • 5 December, 12pm, Principal Theatre at Castellon, of free access

Original texts: Daniel Tormo and Anna Marí

Dramaturg coordination: Daniel Tormo

Directed by: Josep Valero

Escena Erasmus UV, Honour Award of the Valencian Performing Arts 2023, presents for the last time their fifteenth spectacle that talks about individual and collective identity on a reflection that pretends to guess what is it that defines us, what provokes in us a feeling of belonging in a group, a place, a team...

In the post-DANA context, Escena Erasmus UV will dedicate their last performances of 'Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira' to the victims of the tragedy, the flood and all the youth that has help recovering lost hopes.


Date 4 december 2024 at 19:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.


Teatre El Musical

Pl. del Rosari 3, Poblats Marítims

València (46011)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Multilingüismo

Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Sociedad

Centre de Documentació Europea UV

Fundació General UV

Con la colaboración de la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura, Universidades y Empleo de la Generalitat Valenciana.



Contact escena.erasmus@uv.es

More information