Jornadas Research+ Cash
Research+Cash: Put Value in Your Research

The exellent labour in research of the Spanish and European universities could and should be a reason to improve competitively and also improve business networks. However, in order to achieve this, we must foster selling research results to companies. Thus, The Research+Cash is a means to do exactly that, selling and transfering research results to companies.

The Research Group of this Project is made by professors and researchers in business, with professional experience and specialised in entrepeneurship, or startup project selection and funding.

  • 17 december 2018 at 18:15 to 20:00. Monday.
  • 18 december 2018 at 10:15 to 14:00. Tuesday.

Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Economy

Organized by

Faculty of Economy, Master's Degree of Corporative FInances and Banco Santander Chair for International Finances.



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