With the adoption of Law 2/2023 of 20 February, which regulates the protection of persons reporting regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption, transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Whistleblowing Directive), a number of obligations have been established for public administrations, including the existence of whistleblowing channels (both internal and external), the protection of persons who report matters that are in the public interest and the promotion of a culture of public ethics and integrity.

Regarding the internal obligations, the Universitat de València has created the internal whistleblowing channel as an electronic communication channel for any member of the university community or any external person to report possible irregular practices constituting fraud, corruption or fraudulent or illegal conduct contrary to the general interest, which may be committed at the Universitat de València, while maintaining confidentiality of the identity of the person making the complaint, as well as being able to make the complaint anonymously.

Likewise, personal data will be treated with due confidentiality and in strict compliance with the provisions of the Law, respecting, in all cases, the election to remain anonymous.

In short, the internal whistleblowing channel is another measure adopted by the Universitat de València to provide itself with a robust and effective control system designed to prevent and detect, to its best ability, fraudulent activities and to correct their impact, should they occur.

On the other hand, in order to comply with all the measures established in this law, the Universitat de València has signed a collaboration protocol with the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF), which is the external complaints channel for the Valencian public sector, of which the Universitat de València is a member.