The initial procedure for dealing with the prevention and correction of conflict of interest situations is set out as follows:

  1. Communication and information to the Universitat de València staff about the different types of conflict of interest and the ways to avoid them.
  2. Compulsory signing of a declaration of absence of conflict of interest (DACI, Spanish for Declaración de Ausencia de Conflicto de Interés) by the people involved in the procedures of administrative contracting, personnel selection, processing, awarding and execution of grants and, in any case, by the persons in charge of the contracting or grant awarding bodies; by the staff who draw up the tender documents, bases and calls for applications; by the experts who evaluate candidatures, applications, bids and proposals; the members of the selection committees for candidatures, applications, bids and proposals; and other collegiate bodies of all the procedures carried out at the Universitat de València. In the case of collegiate bodies, the declaration may be made at the beginning of the corresponding meeting. It will be reflected in the corresponding minutes.
  3. Mandatory subscription of the DACI by grant recipients, who have to carry out activities that represent a potential conflict of interest.
  4. Implementation of measures to address potential conflicts of interest:
    • Obligation to disclose the situation that could imply the existence of an actual or potential conflict of interest to the highest hierarchical body. The latter must confirm in writing whether it considers that a conflict of interest exists. When so considered, the Office of the Principal or the University Head Office shall ensure that the person involved ceases all activity in the matter, and may take any other additional measures in accordance with applicable law.
    • Strict application of the regulations in force, in particular, article 53 of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30th October, approving the revised text of the Law on the Basic Statute of the Public Employee relating to ethical principles; articles 23 and 24 of Law 40/2015, of 1st October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, relating to abstention and recusal; and Law 19/2013, of 9th December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.
  5. The annexes include a description of the different types of conflict of interest and a model DACI that must be used unless there is another specific model approved by the Public Integrity Committee, at the proposal of the managing service or body.