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Fallas treasures from the Historical Library of the Universitat de València

Historia de la falla de Sen Chusep de la plaseta del Almodí: en l'añ 1855. Biblioteca Històrica Universitat de València.
Historia de la falla de Sen Chusep de la plaseta del Almodí: en l'añ 1855. Valensia: Imprenta de D. Fermín Gonzalo Morón, [1855]. Biblioteca Històrica Universitat de València. BH LF 3/085
The Historical Library of the Universitat de València keeps one of the most complete collections of Fallas literature from the last third of the 19th century, which, paradoxically, is less known than the others. It’s a bibliographic fund composed of about two hundred llibrets de falla (Fallas booklets), half of which are the only existing copies.
This collection is of particular interest, since it brings us closer to a period in which the Fallas started to feature prominently on the holiday schedule of the Cap i Casal, a tense moment between the traditional celebration and the authorities’ attempts to control it. This was also the time in which the llibrets de fallas were consolidated as a singular editorial product in a successful dialogue with other contemporary expressions of satirical literature.
The exhibition Cinc cèntims valia el llibret! displays a selection of these llibrets, as well as other documents related to Fallas and other local holidays, from the libraries of the Universitat de València. This combination allows us to have a look at the Fallas of this time by means of its literary expressions.